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PlayMO XYZ -  Awaken the DNA of Gaming!

Welcome to Our Decentralized Gaming Community

Experience a new era of gaming within our vibrant and collaborative decentralized gaming community, nestled within the innovative Mystic7 ecosystem. We are dedicated to supporting gamers on their journey to growth, both personally and professionally. With a focus on collaboration, access to resources, and tranistion to a decentralized economy, we aim to create an inclusive and empowering environment for gamers of all levels.

Join a Thriving Gaming Community

In our decentralized gaming community, collaboration is key. Join forces with fellow gamers to support each other’s growth, share resources. Whether you’re a streamer, content creator, or an avid gamer, our Multi Channel Network (MCN) platform connects you to a network of like-minded individuals, amplifying your reach and helping you build your audience.

Unlock Holistic Support for Gamers

We believe in nurturing the holistic well-being of gamers. We explore decentralized investment and trading opportunities, utilizing our revenue from the MCN to reinvest in the growth of upcoming streamers. Additionally, our LearnMO program offers education, empowering you to enhance your skills and knowledge in gaming and beyond.

Become part of our growing decentralized gaming community within the MyCity ecosystem. Collaborate with fellow gamers, access valuable resources, and unlock endless opportunities for growth. Embrace the future of gaming with us.

Let us BuildMO CareMO CreateMO FlyMO GrowMO GiveMO InsureMO InvestMO LearnMO ShopMO StayMO TasteMO TravelMO

You mustn’t allow yourself to be chained to fate, to be ruled by your genes. Human beings can choose the kind of life that they want to live. What’s important is that you choose life and then live.

ACtive Verified Members


Our roadmap centers around the development of the PlayMO community within our decentralized gaming community. We will start by conducting research, engaging with the gaming community, and launching the Multi Channel Network (MCN) platform to facilitate collaboration among gamers. In the next phase, we will integrate blockchain technology and implement NFT functionality for membership and ownership. This roadmap prioritizes the growth and engagement of our community, ensuring continuous iteration and adaptation to meet the evolving needs of our members.

  • Conduct extensive market research and analysis to understand the needs and preferences of the gaming community. Define the core values and principles of our decentralized gaming community within the PlayMO district.
  • Establish an online presence and engage with the gaming community through social media channels and content creation. Launch the Multi Channel Network (MCN) platform to connect gamers, streamers, and content creators, facilitating collaboration and resource sharing.
  • Research and select a suitable blockchain platform for membership and ownership functionalities. Implement NFTs to grant access rights to the PlayMO community, fostering a sense of ownership and exclusivity.
  • Foster active community engagement through events, tournaments, and regular feedback sessions. Continuously iterate and improve the MCN platform, NFT functionalities, virtual reality experiences, and housing projects based on community needs and preferences.

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